Saturday, June 10, 2017

Healthy Weight Loss in Dallas - Getting Rid of Extra Pounds in a Healthy Way

Let’s assume you are reading this piece because your body has gone out of shape, you can’t buy your choicest apparels and in worst case being overweight has put you into a state of depression. Don’t worry you aren’t alone in Dallas, Texas as there are thousands others who share the same problem. As per statistics  32.4% of the adults in Texas are obese and the State is ranked 10th in the nation on obesity. What’s more alarming is the fact that this rate has grown exponentially from 10.7% in 1990 and 21.7% in 2000.

Now moving away from these frightening statistics what you must also realize is the fact that being overweight or obese has far greater implications than physical appearance. Numerous studies have shown that people who are above normal weight are prone to health complications. Cases of Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac diseases are far higher among people with excess body weight. A report published few years back shows that the annual medical cost for people who are obese is nearly $1500 more than people with healthy body weight.

What is the root cause in exponential rise of such cases? Is it your food intake? Well, partially may be, but Americans have been eating well for decades and this can’t be the sole reason. So is it the lack of physical activities? It is definitely one of the major reasons why modern Americans are obese compared to our ancestors who built this nation from scratch. But again the rise in cases of rural obesity would defeat the argument given the fact that people in the countryside put in more labor compared to people in metropolitan areas such as Dallas. The root problem is therefore more to do with body’s metabolism and our approach to weight control.

Why Weight Loss Measures Fail?           
For most people these stats or the facts that we have stated above aren’t new. Since you are struggling with your body weight you may have ‘Googled’ enough to know all that we have shared. And you have most likely tried hitting the gym and putting a blanket ban on all the food items you love, but with little success. As a matter of fact all the weight loss tips that flood the Internet offer limited success. Either you lack the determination to follow all that is mentioned religiously or simply give up after a few weeks or months of rigorous efforts without seeing any great results.   
Why do these measures fail? Most of these weight control tips keep you away from your favorite food items and once the demand of your taste buds overpowers your determination to loose body weight, you give into your craving. Secondly with sudden rise in the level of physical exhaustion people start to feel weak and sooner rather than later majority quit the gym. So is there a way out where you can cut down on your extra pounds and at the same time not have to give up on your desires in life. Welcome to the world of ‘healthy weight loss in Dallas’.

What Is Healthy Weight Loss?  
Going by the definition it is a healthy way of losing body weight. In other words it is about losing what you intend to lose, i.e. ‘BODY FAT’. There are people who are happy to see the numbers on the weighing scale after rigorous physical activity not realizing that along with the body fat they also start losing water and muscles which is extremely harmful. We mentioned how people feel tired and stressed by suddenly upping their physical activity and this is exactly the reason for this tiredness. In some cases it is often muscles and water that you loose with body fat remaining almost intact.

Healthy weight loss in Dallas is all about shedding fat in your body and improving overall metabolism and not suppressing it by cutting down on essential nutrients as some of the weight loss guides calling for crash dieting often suggest. As any seasoned weight loss coach would tell you it is all about catalyzing the process of muscle growth alongside getting rid of unwanted body fat. It balances the hormones in your body and brings them to optimum levels. With improvement in your body’s metabolism you would feel more active and energetic. Loss of body fat also results in lowering stress levels on all your body’s vital organs, improving your overall health. The logic is simple – if you carry fewer loads on your vehicle you would put less stress on the engine and enjoy a smoother ride.

What Aids Healthy Weight Loss?            
This brings us to the most important issue with healthy weight loss. You don’t need to go on a crash diet or see fats and carbohydrates as evils on your platter. In fact you can indulge in food items that you love the most and not have to divorce them all together. All you need is something that would enhance your overall goals of building muscles and improving metabolism in your body. Ever heard the word ‘PROTEIN’? Well that’s your secret to success. While you may have already been eating a protein rich diet but that’s not enough if you are overweight and wanting to slim down with improved metabolism. 

Thankfully, there are protein energy drinks easily available in the market that helps your cause. Modern weight loss drinks are rich in all the essential proteins and up your body’s metabolism almost immediately. These protein shakes also help in controlling your appetite levels which is vital in any weight management initiative and lift your mood. With regular intake you would build strong muscles faster and at the same time cut down on your body weight. The only thing that you must bear in mind is the choice of these energy drinks. While there are hundreds available in the market choose ones that come from a reputable brand made from natural ingredients that have passed USDA’s scrutiny.

To sum up these protein shakes will not only aid in your weight loss endeavor but also improve your stamina. Thus you will not only get into the right shape but also approach your life with more exuberance. 

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