Saturday, August 20, 2016

Beyond Guns & War – Transforming Sri Lanka through Youth Empowerment

The guns have fallen silent, the three decade old conflict has officially come to an end but peace and reconciliation still remains aloof in Sri Lanka. While there are allegations and counter allegations of war crimes and mass murders, most people often tend to ignore the biggest victims of this conflict – the children. As in most war-torn societies they remained silent spectators to the crime and carry deep scars that are yet to heal. These scars need to be healed and their minds transformed to create better society and welcome a promising future.
The youth in Batticaloa, one of the hotbeds of the conflict suffered the most during this period. And with the divide still intact in most minds and physical infrastructure challenged they are growing up and walking towards an unknown future. A proposed Scout and Girl Guides program in this region holds the promise to empower young girls and boys to script the story of a better nation. It is being aimed at generating constructive social capital that would inculcate positivity in young minds and reduce the animosity between different groups, increase justice in direct interactions and social structures, and respond to the common challenges in the society.
The dream of a better future    
For young eyes that have witnessed bloodshed of the war or gown up hearing stories of the conflict, injustice and violence this project aims to empower them and guide towards a better tomorrow. It will bring youth from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds to let them walk into the future of peace, reconciliation and overall development of Batticaloa in particular and the country as a whole. They would be encouraged to share their ideas, engage in constructive dialogue, adopt non-violent methods to address grievances and work for overall development of the society. The value of human relationship that has long eluded many would be inculcated into their minds.
Overcoming the odds   
The road ahead isn’t going to be smooth and there are too many odds stacked up against the transformation of the society. Batticaloa was the center of the conflict and one of the strongholds of the rebel group. Many youths at a tender age were indoctrinated by the extremists and forced to pick up guns and unleash violence. Others were at the receiving side of the State’s crackdown and have stories of pain and atrocities to share. The society was deeply divided along ethnic line during the conflict and most youth sadly inherited hate, prejudice and violence.
Many dreams were cut short during the conflict that saw the killing of youth from both the communities. The travesty of justice and historic blunders rule the minds of many and these have flown down generations. It was a murder of humanity to see child soldiers being deployed as human shield by the rebels. It was shame to see children separated from their families, blown up by landmines, shot by security forces and being denied basic elementary education. These wounds have become permanent and it is a tough ask get young boys and girls from all the communities under a single roof.
An innovative approach to empowerment         
There are no shortcuts to peace and reconciliation and the project hasn’t been conceived as a magic wand to cure three decades of pain, suffering and divide instantly. Such situations call for an innovative approach that would help the country’s youth overcome prejudice and tampered world view. In a society where young minds have been poisoned, where they have been taught to demonize others and where some adults are yet to overcome the notion of violence as a means to secure their rights this project aims to bridge the divide.
The innovative approach would bring youths from different communities who would be shown the commonality instead of the discord. Steps would be taken to develop a strong world view among them that is far away from the animosity that the previous generations experienced during their youth. It would help them conquer newer territories of friendship, togetherness and believe in the ability to get rid of the stigma that came along with bloody conflict. Youth from all communities would come on a platform to discuss the problems being faced and to share ideas to quash artificial barriers that have been created.
A future of Justice, Equality & Prosperity            
The biggest objective of this youth empowerment program is to guide the youth towards a future of Justice, Equality and Prosperity. They would be encouraged to resist extremist and conflict prone notions and make alternative choice of peace and focus all their energy and abilities towards a non-violent ideas of equality and delivery of justice to the victims of the conflict. This project would be a great investment towards shaping opinions and thought process of a generation that would lead the country in the future. It would help in breaking deadlocks between the communities by involving people who would  interact the most and come together in the future for Sri Lankan society’s growth and prosperity.   
Promoting gender equality and social inclusion               
According to a UNICEF sponsored research the district of Batticaloa and many others in the eastern part of the country fared poor compared to the national average in terms of education. The school dropout rate was high especially among the girls given the distances they had to cover to receive education. Also the school going among different ethnic groups in this region was disproportionate to their population. One of the key objectives of this project is to promote gender equality and ensure that girls are empowered and their families are shown the brighter side of education through interaction.
Along with gender equality this project would also work for social inclusion both on ethnic lines as well as try to bridge the socio-economic divide. Child labor is rampant in this part of the world and Batticaloa has figures worse than other districts of the country which would be addressed during the course of the program.

The Scouts and Girl Guides program is small step, but is one that is in the right direction.

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